What is Agility Training?


This Article is Sponsored by Studio 9 Fitness. The Premier Sports Performance Facility in Wokingham, Berkshire.



Agility can be defined as “a rapid whole body movement with change of velocity or direction in response to a stimulus’’. The fundamental words in that definition being “in response to a stimulus”. It is this part of the definition that separates agility training from change of direction training.


Whilst agility involves reactive abilities in unpredictable environments, change of direction of speed focuses purely on an athlete’s physical ability and is typically performed in pre-planned environments.


The T-test is an agility test for athletes and includes forward, lateral, and backwards running. (Semenick, D. (1990). The T-test. NSCA Journal). It was assessed in a study by Pauole, K., K. Madole, J. Garhammer, M. Lacourse, and R. Rozenek, 2000 who concluded that the T-test is a more valid measure of leg speed than either leg power or agility, however the correlation and regression analyses indicate that for both men and women the T-test involves a combination of leg speed, leg power, and agility for performance. The T-test appears to be a reliable and valid measure of leg speed and secondarily of leg power and agility. Based on the results of this study, the T-test can discriminate between low and high levels of sport participation. Coaches involved with ground-based sports, such as football, basketball, soccer, and volleyball, may benefit from incorporating the T-test as a field test to assess lower extremity movement skills and potential for participation in these activities.


The disadvantage of the T-test (and other traditional agility tests) is that it does not address that part of the definition of agility that relates to the cognitive response to external stimuli. This is one of the reasons that “new tests of agility that combine physical and cognitive measures are encouraged”. (Agility literature review: classifications, training and testing. Sheppard, Young J Sports Sci. 2006).


The responsive component for agility includes many cognitive functions such as:


·       Visual processing

·       Timing

·       Reaction time

·       Perception

·       Anticipation


It is the absence of these cognitive functions during traditional agility tests (e.g. t-test) that means they are in fact change of direction speed tests. For example, a defender’s reaction to an attacker’s sudden movement would be classified as an agility-based movement, as it requires them to make a reactive decision based upon the attacker’s impulsive movement. In contrast, when an athlete is instructed to run through a planned arrangement of cones (e.g. T-test), then the responsive component is removed.


Though agility requires the use of cognitive components, it is also composed of other qualities – namely ‘physical’ and ‘technical’. It is these several qualities (cognitive, physical, and technical) which have been said to collectively form agility. This combination of independent qualities, plus the unplanned nature of agility, means agility has been referred to as a complex and open motor skill in its own right.  Agility involves an equal demand on your muscular system as well as your central nervous system. Your muscles, mind, nerves, and cells must all work together to master speed, turns, direction changes, and overall agility.


Agility training teaches your body how to react instantaneously when presented with a sudden change in stimulus, such as a charging defender. Perception and decision-making abilities are learned, sport-specific tasks contingent on the skill level and practice of an athlete.


Training for agility must first involve an assessment of the athlete to ensure the programme is effective for the sport and position of the athlete. Training for multi-directional speed with the use of quickness, reaction time, and sprint ability should be the primary focus of the programme. Incorporating resistance, strength, stability, plyometric and flexibility exercises would be advantageous for the overall performance of the athlete.


A comprehensive agility training programme will include the following:


·       Speed training

·       Balance / Coordination training

·       Gait training

·       Directional movement training

·       Proprioception (perception / awareness) training

·       Strength training

·       Power training


Whether you’re an amateur or pro, agility training can have a positive impact in your athletic performance as well as your day-to-day health and wellbeing. Agility is relevant to nearly every sport because it involves a period of deceleration, change of direction, and acceleration. Changing direction in a sport is a reaction to an external stimulus such as avoiding a collision, evading another player, and remaining within the area of play.


How do we measure agility? As mentioned above, traditional agility tests are more relevant to change of direction speed. Several new agility tests have recently been developed and these tests require the athlete to change direction in response to a stimulus whilst moving at high speed, for example the Reactive Agility Test (RAT).


You may be strong and fast, but you must also be agile in order to be the best athlete you can be! Good athletes are born. GREAT athletes are built.


Semenick, D. (1990). The T-test. NSCA Journal

Pauole, K., K. Madole, J. Garhammer, M. Lacourse, and R. Rozenek. Reliability and validity of the T-test as a measure of agility, leg power, and leg speed in college-aged men and women. J. Strength Cond. Res. 14(4):443–450. 2000.

Agility literature review: classifications, training and testing. Sheppard, Young J Sports Sci. 2006




The Differences Between Speed-Strength And Strength-Speed


This Article is Sponsored by Studio 9 Fitness. The Premier Sports Performance Facility in Wokingham, Berkshire.



The terms speed-strength and strength-speed are often used interchangeably. However, they refer to two different training factors. Learn the difference in this blog…

Speed-strength refers to moving at very high speed with the maximum load possible.

Examples of sports involving speed-strength are Olympic lifting, shot put and hammer throw. Training for speed-strength includes slow stretch-shortening plyometric drills such as countermovement jumps, single-leg high hurdle jumps and light-loaded jump squats.

The typical speed target to develop speed-strength should be from 1 to 1.3 m/s. This can be achieved by training at lower percentages of 1 Rep Maximum (RM) therefore resulting in an increase of movement velocity. There is a speed constraint whilst conducting these very fast movements and trying to lift as heavy as you can. An example of this would be during a snatch as it is very difficult to make it under the barbell if it moves slower than 1m/s, therefore the emphasis is placed on the velocity of the movement.

When thinking in terms of the Force-Velocity Curve, speed-strength uses a load of 30-60% of 1RM therefore is fairly low on the force scale but high on the velocity scale.

Strength-speed refers to moving relatively heavy loads as fast as you can.

An example of strength-speed is the functionality of the front row in rugby when pushing in a scrum.

​The typical speed target to develop this trait should be from 0.75 to 1.0 m/s. There is a strength constraint on a heavy load and there is a speed goal trying to move the resistance at high speed. Strength-speed exercises are not deemed to deliver peak power output and they lean more towards strength than speed. The timeframe required to produce exercises for strength-speed is shorter than maximal strength but longer than peak power. Example exercises include Olympic lifts at 80-90% of 1RM.

When thinking in terms of the Force-Velocity Curve, strength-speed uses a load of 80-90% of 1RM therefore is high on the force scale and low on the velocity scale.

To train speed-strength and strength-speed effectively there is a minimum strength requirement. To build this minimum strength requirement absolute strength needs to be developed as part of a foundation essential to performing to the fullest potential.

It is imperative that competitive athletes develop both strength-speed and speed-strength because together they are considered the essential elements of power. Since power is a key determinant in the performance of many sports, optimising an athlete’s power production is of great importance.  

If you only train maximal strength, you will become strong but not fast. If you only train maximal speed, you will become fast but not strong. Train BOTH and you will become powerful!






What is Power Training?


This Article is Sponsored by Studio 9 Fitness. The Premier Sports Performance Facility in Wokingham, Berkshire.



Power is calculated by work or energy divided by time.

In training terms, power = force x velocity. Power training typically involves exercises which apply the maximum amount of force as fast as possible.

Jumping with weights or throwing weights are two examples of power training exercises. Regular weight training exercises such as the clean and jerk and power clean may also be considered as being power training exercises due to the explosive speed required to complete the lifts.

Power training may also involve contrasting exercises such as heavy lifts and plyometrics, known as complex training, in an attempt to combine the maximal lifting exertions with dynamic movements. This combination of a high strength exercise with a high-speed exercise may lead to an increased ability to apply power.

Power training frequently utilises two physiological processes which increase in conjunction with one another during exercise. These are deep breathing, which results in increased intra-abdominal pressure; and post-activation potentiation, which is the enhanced activation of the nervous system and increased muscle fibre recruitment.

Power training programmes may be shaped to increase the trainee’s ability to apply power in general, to meet sport specific criteria, or both.

Types of power training:-

Plyometrics and loaded plyometrics 

Plyometric training typically involves jumping exercises; these exercises may begin from the feet only or also involve taking off from the hands such as is found in a plyometric push up. Usually, an exercise is considered plyometric or not based upon its speed, the rapidity of its repetitions, and the extent to which it utilises the body’s stretch-shortening cycle.

Ballistic training 

Ballistic training is based upon maximising the acceleration phase of an object and minimising the deceleration phase. This may involve throwing a weight, as the term ballistic implies, but may also involve jumping whilst holding a weight or swinging a weight.

Complex training 

Complex training, sometimes referred to as contrast training, involves alternating heavy lifts with plyometric exercises. Ideally, the exercises should move through similar ranges of motion. For example, a set of back squats at about 85-95% 1RM followed by a set of vertical jumps. The intention is to utilise the post-activation potentiation (PAP) effect from the heavy back squats in the jumping exercises and thereby increase the power with which the jumps are performed with.

Contrast loading 

Contrast loading involves the alternation of heavy and light loads in weight training exercises. The light lifts should be considerably lighter than the heavy lifts. For example, a bench press exercise at about 85-95% 1RM followed by a set at about 30-60% 1RM. The heavy lifts should be performed faster than usual with controlled form, with the lighter lifts being performed as fast as possible.

Explosive lifts 

Explosive power lifts are weight training exercises which require a very fast movement to be performed by the lifter in order to lift the weight. For instance, in a power clean, a barbell is quickly lifted from the floor and unto the upper chest; this must be performed fast in one dynamic movement otherwise it would not be possible to move the weight to this position. Similarly, in a clean and jerk, a lifter moves a barbell to a position above their head whilst they quickly lower their height to allow for the easier extension of their arms; this movement must be performed in one very quick fluid action.

Power training and the sport of powerlifting should be distinguished from one another, although there are some areas where they overlap. Powerlifting, as a sport, is often considered in regard to the three main lifts competitions are judged upon. These are the back squat, the deadlift, and the bench press. These exercises would not ordinarily be considered as power training exercises because they are not usually performed fast enough. The sport of powerlifting acquires its name due to the great amount of force that is required to lift very heavy weights. A major difference between powerlifting and power training is that in powerlifting competitions it is often required that the joints are locked for a lift to be registered as complete, whereas this would not usually be possible in power training because it would drastically inhibit the dynamic nature of the movements and lead to injury.

Optimal power production is achieved by maximising the product of force and velocity, so both aspects of training need to be trained to ensure maximal training adaptations.  In a study by Kawamori & Haff in 2004 “The optimal training load for the development of muscular power”, it was shown how heavy strength training and explosive strength training affect the force-velocity curve uniquely. 



Combining both methods will yield optimal results.

We’re not born with power. We build power!


The optimal training load for the development of muscular power, Kawamori & Haff, 2004

Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning 3rd Edition, National Strength and Conditioning Association



What is Speed Training?


This Article is Sponsored by Studio 9 Fitness. The Premier Sports Performance Facility in Wokingham, Berkshire.



For me, speed is the most influential element in sports performance, whether you’re a boxer, footballer or even a golfer. If you can produce more speed than your opponent - in a straight line on the field or track, rotationally from your hips in a golf swing or a punch - you’re more likely to beat your opponent every time as you’ll win the race, send the ball further and hit your opponent before they hit you! That being said, you cannot build speed without strength. Power equals the combination of strength and speed. This is why all three elements are vital to overall performance! Here’s an explanation of what speed training actually involves...


Speed is the quickness of movement of a limb, whether this is the legs of a runner or the arm of the shot putter. Speed is an integral part of every sport and can be expressed as any one of, or combination of, the following: maximum speed, elastic strength power and speed endurance.


How is speed influenced?


Speed is influenced by the athlete's mobility, special strength, strength endurance and technique.


Energy system for speed


Energy for absolute speed is supplied by the anaerobic alactic pathway. The anaerobic (without oxygen) alactic (without lactate) energy system is best challenged as an athlete approaches top speed between 30 and 60 metres while running at 95% to 100% of maximum. This speed component of anaerobic metabolism lasts for approximately 8 seconds and should be trained when no muscle fatigue is present (usually after 24 to 36 hours of rest).


How do we develop speed?


When taking running speed as the example, the technique of running must be rehearsed at slow speeds and then transferred to runs at maximum speed. The stimulation, excitation and correct firing order of the motor units, composed of a motor nerve (neuron) and the group of muscles that it supplies, makes it possible for high-frequency movements to occur. The whole process is not very clear, but the complex coordination and timing of the motor units and muscles most certainly must be rehearsed at high speeds to implant the correct patterns.


Flexibility and a correct warm-up will affect stride length and frequency (strike rate). Stride length can be improved by developing muscular strength, power, strength endurance and running technique. The development of speed is highly specific and to achieve it we should ensure that:


Flexibility is developed and maintained all year round.


Strength and speed are developed in parallel.


Skill development (technique) is pre-learned, rehearsed and perfected before it is done at high-speed levels.


Speed training is performed by using high velocity for brief intervals. This will ultimately bring into play the correct neuromuscular pathways and energy sources used.


When should speed work be conducted?


It is important to remember that the improvement of running speed is a complex process that is controlled by the brain and nervous system. In order for a runner to move more quickly, the leg muscles have to contract more quickly, but the brain and nervous systems have to learn to control these faster movements efficiently. If you maintain some form of speed training throughout the year, your muscles and nervous system do not lose the feel of moving fast and the brain will not have to re-learn the proper control patterns at a later date.


In the training week, speed work should be carried out after a period of rest or light training. In a training session, speed work should be conducted after the warm-up and any other training should be of a low-intensity.


Strength is the foundation of building speed. The more efficient we are at building strength and mastering control of the body, the better we will be at escalating skilful movement. Once an athlete is able to perform a task with greater ability, he or she can then do so at a faster rate. This is also the definition of power, which can be referred to as strength speed. Certain lifts, movements, and drills can be performed at a faster rate in order to produce power output. But none of this can be done without the athlete first having built a foundation of strength in order to perform the most elementary exercises relating to strength. In other words, a novice needs to master the ability to properly perform movements such as push ups, squats, and dead hang pull ups before trying to grab a bar to perform clean and jerks.


Additionally, strength is a necessary component and a key mechanism in helping an athlete obtain the specific speed elements of acceleration, deceleration, and lateral speed, as well as the ability to hit an efficient sprinting stride for linear speed during competitive athletic performance. Otherwise, a weak athlete may try to make a cut or abruptly stop on the field of play and end up getting injured.


There are four types of speed that any versatile athlete must develop in order to be competitive:


Acceleration Speed: From stop to go

Deceleration Speed: From go to stop

Lateral Speed: From side to side

Linear Speed: Running in a straight line


Developing these different types of speed depends on a number of variables. But all of these types of speed stem from the initial foundation of strength. Keep in mind this is only accomplished by placing proper stress on the body and subsequently producing specificity of a certain type of power output to foster the development of speed as it relates to these four given elements.


Very often, agility is more relevant to successful sports performance than all-out speed. Agility is the ability to explosively brake, change direction and accelerate again.


Another element of fitness closely related to speed training is speed endurance. Many athletes must maintain a high velocity for longer than 6 seconds or produce repeated sprints with minimal rest periods in between.


The combination of speed, agility and speed endurance an athlete requires is determined by his or her sport. But regardless of the event, there are several modes of training that are integral to developing a fast athlete:


1.     Strength & power training


Speed is mainly determined by the capacity to apply a large amount of force in a short period of time. This is also known as power. Many athletic movements take place in 0.1 to 0.2 seconds but maximal force production takes 0.6 to 0.8 seconds. The athlete who can apply most force in the short period of available time is said to be the most powerful. Strength training increases maximal force production. Assuming as a result, more force can be produced in the same period of time, strength training alone can increase power. However, it makes more sense to increase both maximal force production and the rate of force development. This can be achieved through power training. Both strength and power training are integral to improvement of speed.


Compare speed training to strength training for a moment. A sport specific strength training programme will first aim to develop basic strength. This is on the premise that a solid base of strength offers greater physical potential to work with when converting it to sport-specific strength later on. Basic speed training along with power training maximises the athlete’s ability to move rapidly. Agility training helps an athlete to apply their speed to sport-specific scenarios.


2.     Speed training


Practising moving and accelerating faster helps to condition the neuromuscular system to improve the firing patterns of fast twitch muscle fibres. Two variations of basic speed training are assisted and resisted speed training. Assisted training (also called overspeed training) helps to improve stride frequency. Resisted speed training helps to improve speed-strength and stride length.


3.     Agility training


Most team sports consist of very few movements that occur only in a straight line. Nor do those movements occur at a fixed pace or for a fixed length of time. Agility and quickness training improves an athletes ability to change direction, brake suddenly and perform sport-specific skills with speed and dexterity.


We strongly believe that talent will only take an athlete so far, particularly when it comes to speed! With the developments in sports science, strength & conditioning studies and coaching practices, it has never been more important to consistently train hard to excel in your game!




What is Hypertrophy Training? 


This Article is Sponsored by Studio 9 Fitness. The Premier Sports Performance Facility in Wokingham, Berkshire.



Hypertrophy is an increase in the size of cells (or tissues) in response to various stimuli. The example we will discuss in this blog is muscular hypertrophy in response to exercise. Exercise stimulates skeletal and cardiac muscle fibres to increase in diameter and to accumulate more structural contractile proteins. Such adaptations to skeletal and cardiac muscle causes enhanced strength and function.

Two factors contribute to hypertrophy: sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which focuses more on increased muscle glycogen storage; and myofibrillar hypertrophy, which focuses more on increased myofibril size.

Myofibrillar Hypertrophy:

Myo means “muscle” and a fibril is a threadlike cellular structure.

Myofibrils are made up of proteins that can contract and are what allow muscles to function as they do. Each muscle fibre contains many myofibrils.

Myofibrillar hypertrophy refers to an increase in the size and number of myofibrils in muscle fibres. This increases the force with which muscles can contract.

Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy:

Sarco means “flesh” and plasmic refers to plasma, which is a gel-like substance in a cell containing various things vital to the maintenance of life.

Sarcoplasm is the plasmic elements of muscle cells, and it includes proteins, glycogen, water, collagen, and other substances.

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is an increase in the volume of the fluid, non-contractile components of the muscle (the sarcoplasm).

Hormones are very important with it comes to hypertrophy training. They can be divided into two general categories:

·       Anabolic

·       Catabolic

Anabolic hormones promote the building of structures within the body.  With the aim of a hypertrophy training phase being the building of skeletal muscle, it would be prudent to maximise the effects of the anabolic hormones.  The characteristic male sex hormone testerone is known for its anabolic properties.  Testosterone plays an important role in muscle growth due to its role in protein synthesis.  Males exhibit approximately ten times greater testosterone than females. This is one reason why males are able to achieve significantly greater levels of hypertrophy than females. Exercise guidelines for maximising an anabolic response should include the following:

·       Select exercises that involve a large amount of muscle mass (compound lifts)

·       Utilise a moderate to heavy resistance

·       Use a moderate to high volume of training

·       Emphasize short rest periods between sets

Catabolic hormones break structures down within the body.  Chronically high level of catabolic hormones within the body would be counterproductive to the objective of hypertrophy.  Cortisol is one of the most catabolic hormones found within the human body.  One of the major roles of cortisol involves the conversion of stored protein (muscle) into glucose and glycogen.  As well as catabolising existing protein, cortisol decreases protein synthesis, thereby inhibiting any muscular gains. Based on the stresses of day to day living, family, work, travelling, finance, food and exercise itself, cortisol levels are exceptionally high.  What you do outside of your hypertrophy sessions is key to success and managing cortisol is key.

Here’s some tips for controlling cortisol levels:

·       Ensure that an adequate quality and variety of nutrients is consumed on a regular basis

·       Avoid overtraining. Try not to train 3 or more days in a row without a rest, and keep workouts under an hour

·       Avoid stress and practice relaxation techniques

·       Try to sleep at least 8 hours every night

·       Spike insulin levels after a workout. Research shows that insulin levels may enhance post-workout cortisol clearance, promoting the switch to anabolism. Consumption of high glycaemic carbohydrate drinks or snacks will generate an insulin spike

The Hypertrophy Process

When you start exercising a muscle there is first an increase in the nerve impulses that cause muscle contraction. This alone often results in strength gains without any noticeable change in muscle size. As you continue to exercise, there is a complex interaction of nervous system responses that result in an increase in protein synthesis over months and the muscle cells begin to grow larger and stronger.

There are two essential components necessary for the growth of muscles - stimulation and repair. Stimulation occurs during the contraction of the muscle, or during the actual exercising of the muscle. Each time that a muscle is exercised, contraction occurs. This repeated contraction during a workout causes damage to the internal muscle fibres. These muscles fibres are broken down throughout the course of a workout. Once damaged these fibres are then ready to be repaired. This is where muscle growth occurs.

To Maximise Hypertrophy, The Following Guidelines Are Recommended:

·       Current American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines for hypertrophy are that you perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps at a tempo of 4:2:1 (eccentric:isometric:concentric)

·       Eccentric (lengthening) muscle contractions are believed to optimise muscle hypertrophy more than isometric or concentric actions - they also are the strongest muscle contraction. However, concentric failure is also an important stimulus to place upon the muscle to optimise hypertrophy.

·       Hypertrophy training generally occurs between 6-12 reps. As a beginner lifting any amount of weight for any amount of reps will generally increase muscle mass. But as your body becomes accustomed to the weight you will need to be more specific with your intensities and the stimulus you put upon the muscle.

·       ACSM’s guidelines are:

o   Intensity - use a load of 70-85% 1RM for novice to intermediate clients and a load of 70-100% for advanced clients.

o   Sets - 1-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions for novice to intermediate and 3-6 sets of 1-12 repetitions for advanced clients.

o   Rest period - 2-3 min for higher intensity exercises that use heavier loads. 1-2 minutes between the lower intense exercises with light loads.

·       Hypertrophy sessions are generally ‘split sessions’. This means you train a specific group or groups of muscle in one session e.g. Chest and Triceps on Monday, Legs on Wednesday, Back and Biceps on Friday.  There are many variations of split routines that you can follow that will change the stimulus on your body and therefore, hopefully, your body’s adaptation. The key is to find a frequency and structure that suits your lifestyle, time availability, level of fitness and experience.

Hypertrophy training programmes are designed to build muscle. This type of training should only be embarked upon once a solid foundation of technique, posture, basic cardiovascular fitness and flexibility has been built.  Without having a foundation to build upon your gains will be short lived, you will experience injury and fatigue quicker and therefore adherence to the hypertrophy training plan decreases along with the gains.

Hypertrophy in Sports Performance

Examples of increased muscle hypertrophy are seen in various professional sports, mainly strength related sports such as Olympic weightlifting, mixed martial arts, rugby, professional wrestling and various forms of gymnastics.

Athletes in other more skill-based sports such as basketball, baseball, ice hockey and football may also train for increased muscle hypertrophy depending on their position of play.

Some athletes will not benefit from muscular hypertrophy training and should focus their programmes purely on strength and power. Lightweight boxers would not want to increase their muscle mass too much because this will inevitably increase their overall bodyweight which will make it difficult for them to make weight healthily without having to lose muscle mass. Whilst there is an overlap between hypertrophy and strength training, the programmes for each individual athlete should be adapted accordingly to ensure that the desired results will be achieved.

Building muscle is something that takes times and consistency. Stay dedicated to your goal and focus on the process. And remember, we are built not born.



What is Conditioning?


This Article is Sponsored by Studio 9 Fitness. The Premier Sports Performance Facility in Wokingham, Berkshire.



Whether you are aiming to improve your performance in a sport or you just want to reap the benefits of exercise, physical conditioning exercises can help to improve your performance. Conditioning generally includes aerobic, anaerobic, strength and flexibility exercise. The specific training you choose will vary depending on your goals.

Conditioning is the physical exercise of low to high intensity that utilises the aerobic and anaerobic energy-generating processes.


Aerobic means relating to, involving, or requiring oxygen and refers to the use of oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during exercise via aerobic metabolism. Generally, light-to-moderate intensity activities that are sufficiently supported by aerobic metabolism can be performed for extended periods of time. Examples of low-intensity aerobic conditioning include mid to long-distance running, swimming, cycling, walking etc. When you are exercising, your heart rate will increase, your breathing will become quicker and your body temperate will rise. These are your body’s responses to enable your heart to pump blood through your vessels to deliver oxygen to the muscles to keep you moving and sustaining the activity for more than just a few minutes. This is aerobic conditioning exercise (also known as "cardio"), which is any activity that you can sustain for more than just a few minutes while your heart, lungs and muscles are working and using oxygen.


High-intensity conditioning is not technically aerobic exercise because it requires an energy breakdown from stores rather than oxygen supply. Examples of anaerobic exercise include weight lifting, sprinting, and jumping; any exercise that consists of short exertion, high-intensity movement, is an anaerobic exercise.  Anaerobic conditioning is used by athletes in non-endurance sports to promote strength, speed and power; and by bodybuilders to build muscle mass. Muscle energy systems trained using anaerobic exercise develop differently compared to aerobic exercise, leading to greater performance in short duration, high-intensity activities, which last from mere seconds to up to about 2 minutes.

Which type?

It is important to incorporate both methods of conditioning in training programmes because they both provide different benefits and results. However, any programme should always be specific to the goal, so dependent on whether your sport is endurance based or power/strength based, you would need to incorporate more of one type of conditioning than the other. For example, boxers would benefit from incorporating more anaerobic conditioning into their training programme – including short intervals, sprints, plyometric training and weight lifting – because this type of training will mimic the high-intensity anaerobic energy requirements of their sport.  On the other hand, marathon runners would benefit from predominantly aerobic conditioning in order to train the cardiovascular system and increase their lung capacity for better performance.  This would include long-distance running, swimming and cross-training at a much lower intensity than a boxer’s training programme.

Conditioning training is beneficial for everyone, not just athletes.  The current recommendations for overall cardiovascular health are:-

·       At least 30 minutes of moderate-intense aerobic activity 5 days per week for a total of 150 minutes

·       At least 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity at least 3 days per week for a total of 75 minutes; or a combination of moderate and vigorous intensity aerobic activity

·       Moderate - to high-intensity muscle strengthening activity at least 2 days per week for additional health benefits

·       For lowering blood pressure and cholesterol: an average 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic activity 3 or 4 times per week

Benefits of cardiovascular exercise:

·       Reduction in body fat

·       Strengthens the most important muscle in our body – the heart

·       Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol

·       Increased bone density – especially when combined with weight-bearing exercise

·       Reduced stress and depression

·       Better sleep

·       Maintain muscle strength into old age

·       Reduced fatigue

·       Reduced risk of heart disease

·       Strengthens the lunges

·       Increase life expectancy

·       Improved immune system

Aerobic training programme design variables:

1.     Exercise mode - referring to the specific activity performed by the athlete 

2.     Training frequency - refers to the number of sessions done per day/per week 

3.     Training intensity - refers to how hard you’ll be working 

4.     Exercise duration - refers to the length of time of the training session 

5.     Exercise progression - refers to making the programme harder over a period of time i.e. the overload principle

Anaerobic training programme design variables:

1.     Repetition intensity/duration – usually hard, near-maximal and maximal intensities

2.     Work to recovery interval ratio – recommended 1 to 4, then as the athlete progresses tapering to 1 to 2 or 1 to 1.5 work to recovery time ratio

3.     Total exercise volume – refers to total number of reps, sets, circuits etc

4.     Training frequency - refers to the amount of rest days per week  

5.     Programme duration – refers to the length of each specific training programme and the time expectancy to see changes from anaerobic training

6.     Value of resistance training – refers to the phase of each exercise movement specific to the athlete’s activity i.e. concentric and eccentric phases

7.     Training progression – refers to periodisation

We are Built, Not Born. We get what we work for, not what we wish for!


Laura Pain

GB Boxer, Laura Pain Going Through a Conditioning Session.



What is Strength Training?


This Article is Sponsored by Studio 9 Fitness. The Premier Sports Performance Facility in Wokingham, Berkshire.



Strength training is a type of physical exercise specialising in the use of resistance to induce muscular contraction which builds the strength, anaerobic endurance and size of skeletal muscles. Knuttgen and Kreamer defined strength as “the maximal force that a muscle or muscle group can generate at a specific velocity”.

Often referred to as resistance training, strength training is a specialised method of conditioning that involves the progressive use of assorted resistive loads and a variety of training modalities intended to promote health, fitness, and sport-specific performance.

When training for strength, we use muscular force against resistance. Muscles adapt to any type of resistance. The resistance can be a heavy object, one’s own body weight, elastic resistance from bands, or other types of machine resistance from pulleys or hydraulics. The heavy object could be a kettlebell, free weight, log, beer keg, rock, another person — anything that has mass.

Several biomechanical factors are also involved in strength training including neural control, muscle cross-section area, muscle fibre arrangement, muscle length, joint angle, muscle contraction velocity, joint angular velocity and body size. 

It is widely accepted that strength is the ability to exert force, but there is considerable disagreement around how to measure and test strength. There are different methods available, including the 1 Rep Max test and technological developments have popularised the use of isometric strength testing and, more recently, isokinetic strength testing. You should not attempt strength training unless you are a seasoned athlete or until you have at least 6-12 months’ lifting experience.

When programming strength training, in general, we would put the harder exercises before the easier exercises e.g., multi-joint before single-joint, free weights before machines, etc. This is because as you fatigue, it’s harder to coordinate and support the movements.

For example:

Squats before hamstring curls

Deadlifts before lower back extensions

Pullups before biceps curls

In most cases, complex movements that involve many moving joints are best for strength gains. For strength and power, focus on complex, multi-joint, movement plane exercises such as squats, deadlifts, pullups, rows, weighted jumps, etc. You can also use functional type exercises such as sandbag carries, sledgehammer swings, and tire flips.

For muscle mass gain, you can use strength and power-type exercises (with medium loads) as well as targeted body-part isolation exercises, such as biceps curls or triceps extensions.

For endurance (for sport or rehab), you can use strength and power-type exercises (with lighter loads) as well as targeted body-part isolation exercises.

Many rehab-type exercises involve building endurance in specific body parts using very small movements (such as arm raises) with very light loads.

Below shows approximately what types of reps, sets, and other variables might help you meet specific goals.


Max. Strength

Exercise type: 1st pull clean/snatch, deadlift, squat, bench press 

Intensity: 90-100% 1RM 

Volume: 1-3 reps 

Rest: 3-5 minutes 


Strength Endurance 

Exercise type: Squat, deadlift, bench press

Intensity: 80-90 1RM 

Volume: 1-4 reps 

Rest: 1-2 minutes 


Strength Speed 

Exercise type: Trap bar dead, cleans, med balls 

Intensity: 80-95% 1RM 

Volume: 1-4 reps 

Rest: 3-5 minutes 


Speed Strength 

Exercise type: CMJ (counter movement jump), 2nd pull clean/snatch, snatch

Intensity: 80-95% 1RM 

Volume: 1-5 reps 

Rest: 2-5 minutes 

And it’s not just about the workout itself! Residual effects of strength training can last up to 72 hours.

Extra credit:

·       Those undergoing cancer treatment, or who have previously undergone cancer treatment, may benefit from strength training.

·       Strength training reduces the incidence of falls in older people.

·       Isometric strength training can develop strength and hypertrophy.

·       Preparing the body for strength training with a dynamic warm-up can increase strength and performance.

·       Save static stretching for after strength training sessions – unless you are trying to “turn off” a certain muscle group (e.g., stretching hip flexors before squatting).

Always remember... We’re BUILT NOT BORN.


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Amar Kayani

Professional Boxer, Amar Kayani Training for Strength.



Why is Strength & Conditioning Important?


This Article is Sponsored by Studio 9 Fitness. The Premier Sports Performance Facility in Wokingham, Berkshire.



Strength & conditioning in athletes is important for many reasons, all of which can help improve performance in any sport.


One of the main benefits of strength training is that it helps to improve an athlete’s posture, bone density and core strength. As a result of this, the likelihood of an injury among athletes, as well as the severity of the injury itself, is greatly reduced and when they do sustain an injury they are likely to be able to recover faster. 


Strength training can help build and preserve muscle mass and strength. This, together with improved bone density, helps to reduce age-related decline in health and well-being, potentially increasing the longevity of an athlete’s career.

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Hassan Azim

BNB Athlete & GB Boxer, Hassan Azim training for Strength.


S&C can also see improvements in flexibility and balance. Regular strength training leads to better muscle control, greater stability, flexibility, and mobility ensuring that athletes maintain proper exercise techniques and reach their full range of motion in order for target muscles to fire and strength to improve. With stronger muscles, athletes can then perform more complex movements and build even more strength and explosiveness.


Strength and conditioning works to make your body stronger, providing you with the skills you need in order to perform at your best ability. In particular when your core is strong, you will be able to transfer energy to the rest of the muscles, resulting in more powerful muscle contractions and quicker repetitions.


Through conditioning work, or more specifically cardiovascular training, athletes will experience increased blood flow to the muscles as well as capillary density adaptations. This degree of increase is necessary in order to provide the muscles with the required nutrients and remove the metabolic waste created by the active muscles. The adaptations in the athlete’s cardiovascular system help to improve fitness.


Power is the product of muscle force and movement speed. The combination of strength training and specific skill work — relative to one’s sport and position — has a positive influence on both of these parameters.  Larger, stronger muscle fibers (especially the “fast twitch” variety) result in a higher rate and level of overall muscle force production, which results in the ability to demonstrate pronounced power output in designated athletic skills.


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Laura Pain

BNB Athlete and Olympic Boxer, Laura Pain training for Power.

Every sport involves the application of force. Most people don’t realise that getting an athlete’s lower body stronger though exercises such as squats and lunges is the quickest way to make an athlete faster. For example, a lot of athletes can pedal as fast as a top-level sprinter, however they are unlikely to be able to apply as much force with each pedal stroke. Strength training will help in increase power and force production.


Motor Learning and Skill Acquisition is another benefit of S&C. First and foremost, the body learns the skill of the lift. This happens just like in any skill you learn, such as playing the piano; your brain puts together a motor program that allows you to better perform whatever you are trying to learn.


Intramuscular and Intermuscular Coordination is where the brain aspect of training begins for an athlete. Your muscles will learn to fire more efficiently within themselves. Similar to motor learning, however this is more of a specific gain in coordination and has excellent implications for athletic performance.


S&C also results in improved body composition of the athlete i.e. lower body fat levels and more overall lean tissue. This results in an increased resting metabolism. Muscle is a very active tissue. In essence, every pound of new muscle burns around 30-40 calories a day for tissue maintenance while the body is at rest. It also results in improved glucose metabolism. We know that poor glucose metabolism is associated with diabetes. Strength training is an effective means of improving glucose metabolism and has been shown to increase glucose uptake close to 25 percent after a mere few months of consistent exercise. Optimal body composition from strength training helps to prevent obesity.


As well as the physical benefits, strength training is important for the athlete’s psychology. The strength training benefits on the psychological aspect are often underestimated. I have seen so many athletes, that have grown in confidence over time as a result of their strength training. When they became stronger over time, they saw that the strength training improves the performance of their sport which has helped them to be more confident in their own sport and in competition.


It also results in an enhanced mood as it is common knowledge that endorphins are released during an effective training session.


Factors that S&C can help with:-

* Strength: Without strength, we remain stagnant, never improving our sports performance.

* Balance: A sense of balance allows you to remain in control of how your body moves.

* Agility: When an athlete is agile, they can make quick movements effectively.

* Speed: Every athlete wants to be faster! Speed is an advantage in any sport.